The Client

Wessex Water
Wessex Water supplies approximately 2.8 million customers across the south west of England including Dorset, Somerset, Bristol, most of Wiltshire and parts of Gloucestershire and Hampshire. Wessex Water treats and supplies 280 million litres of water a day to 1.3 million customers.
The Brief

Schools Programme
Wessex Water supplied Aqualogic with data for all secondary schools within the Wessex Water boundary, with a view to identifying schools with a high water use. Once a school was identified a water usage audit was arranged with a full report and recommendations showing costs, savings and payback periods. An Aqualogic engineer then implemented all recommendations installing a range of water efficient products.
Key Aspects
The project was extremely successful with both the client and individual schools delighted with the savings achieved.
If you feel that your company or clients would benefit from a similar project as the Wessex Water Schools Programme:
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